The story of Argentine soccer legend Diego Maradona, from his humble beginnings in Buenos Aires to his rise to global stardom on the soccer field, and delves into the complex and often controversial aspects of his life, including his drug addiction, his political views, and his impact on the sport of soccer, the book is widely considered a classic work of sports journalism and biography.
"I have a gut feeling that there's something greater than me, and that's God. I can feel it when I'm playing. I'm convinced that he's helped me out in certain situations on the field. But when I score a goal, it's me who's done it, not God."
- Diego Maradona
A biography of the Argentine soccer player Diego Armando Maradona, one of the most talented and controversial players in the history of the sport. Written by Jimmy Burns, a journalist and writer who has covered soccer for many years, the book provides a detailed account of Maradona's life, from his childhood in Buenos Aires to his rise to fame as a professional player and his eventual downfall due to drug addiction and other personal problems.
Some of the lessons I learned from this book are: